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Can Dynamite Treat Heart Disease? The Duality of Nitroglycerin as Explosives and Medicine

In 1846, scientist Ascano Sobrero synthesized the compound nitroglycerin (C3H5N3O9). The importance of this discovery lay in nitroglycerin’s ability to maintain a combustion reaction (SciShow, 2017). The typical structure of a combustion reaction is a hydrocarbon reacting with oxygen gas, which produces carbon dioxide and water: CxHy(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g) + H2O(l) In combustion,…


C. Wildi Fossilized Brain

A recent discovery about a fish skull fossil has led scientists to question how much information fossils may hold. A fossil of the Coccocephalus Wildi species, discovered over 100 years ago in Lancashire, has recently shed information on the neurology and evolution of fish. The ray-finned fish fossil itself dates back 319 million years and…